Fidget Camp

July 26 - August 4, San Francisco

a week of nights-and-weekends DIY skill-share workshops, creative make-athons, and an exhibition

for restless hands to conjure.

➜ fidget-camp | npx create-campfire
➜ fidget-camp | npm install -s wood
➜ fidget-camp | npm run fire

👆 Fidget Camp 2024 was a resounding success! Want to hear more about our future plans? Sign up for our mailing list 👆

Hijinks include...

Novel Circuits by @leiac

Novel Circuits

Webstones by @spencerchang

NFC Ceramics

Webstones by @spencerchang

IoT totems

Holography by @andykong

DIY Holography

Novel Circuits by @leiac


Novel Circuits by @leiac


* Schedule subject to change. Detailed workshop information will be sent out once we know what y'all are excited to host!

About Camp

Fidget Camp is a 10-day experimental grassroots make-athon in San Francisco for creative exploration. An un-conference featuring hands-on workshops (led by you!), community dinners, access to well-equipped workspaces across the city, and a final showcase of your projects to the public.

Learn More

Who you are

At Fidget Camp, you're both expert and neophyte. Explore biomaterials, thermochromic paints, hydroponics, and beyond. Find collaborators for your wildest ideas, learn new skills, and share your own expertise. It's your time to create whatever lights your fire, and to spark someone else's.

View Schedule

Who we are

We are fidgeters like yourself. Pranksters, digital gardeners, and community disorganizers. Between us we've organized dozens of creative tech meetups, burning man art projects, public pranks, and many more hijinks. You're in fun hands.

Meet the Team


Weekend 1

  • July 26: Kickoff Event & Welcome Dinner
  • July 27: Big Workshops Day
  • July 28: Sponsored Dinner & Mingles

Week 1

  • July 29-31:
    • Parallel Workshops each night
    • Self-organized dinners
    • Team formation and project work time

Weekend 2

  • Aug 1-2: Working time before the Showcase
  • Aug 3: Main Showcase Night & Closing Ceremony
  • Aug 4: Public Showcase, Teardowns, Farewells

* Schedule subject to change. Detailed workshop information will be sent out once we know what y'all are excited to host!


Who can apply?

Anyone with an interest in creative technology, regardless of prior experience. We are however especially looking for folks who can contribute interesting new skills and interests to the group, so definitely mention your latest fascination in your application.

Where is it held?

This is one of the most fun and exciting parts of Fidget Camp. During camp, you'll have access to a collection of creative technology makerspaces, shops, and community venues throughout the city.

How much does it cost?

We're asking folks to pay a minimal $35 fee to cover the cost of venue, meals, and supplies. That being said, we don't want cost to be prohibitive for anyone. If you really want to attend but can't afford this, please reach out to us and we will try our best to accommodate you.

Can I propose a workshop?

Absolutely! That's the whole point! Register with your workshop idea, and we'll help you make it happen. Some examples of what we'd be interested in are: cardboard prototyping, how to draw with robots, DIY quantum computing, edible engineering, scent workshop, etc.

Will you provide supplies?

We have a low budget but will provide some supplies for each workshop we accept. Please describe in your application what you'll need and we'll try to make it happen. For self-directed projects outside of the workshops, you will need to acquire your own supplies.

Is accommodation provided?

Accommodation is not included, and this is designed for folks who will be local. However, we can provide recommendations for sublets if you are traveling from out of town. We encourage you to apply regardless of your location.

What kind of projects can I work on?

You can work on any project that interests you! We're particularly excited about interactive art installations, wearable tech, creative coding experiments, etc. but we expect, and would love to be pleasantly surprised by, your ideas.

Are meals included?

Some meals are included, such as the welcome dinner and sponsored events. Most meals will be self-funded, however, and we'll provide information on local eateries so you can self-organize group dinners.

Your Camp Counselors *

* No, not that kind of counselor. Career advice not to be trusted.

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